ONE : Radar Measured Wave Field Velocities

TWO : Advanced Algorithms Produce Directional Spectrum and Wavefield Timing
Our patent pending algorithms can combine Doppler data from multiple radars to produce more timely and accurate sea state information and forecast, which is particularly useful on large vessels or vessels requiring radar mounting locations that have limited fields-of-view.
Additional real time processing produces phase-resolved forecasts of the specific wave timing around the vessel location and along its track (if moving), accurate up to several minutes into the future depending on environmental and vessel motion conditions. These forecasts can be used to identify the precise timing of large incoming waves or identify quiescent periods of a user-defined length.

2D wavefield spectrum showing bimodal seas and comparison of forecast of measured ship response
THREE : Vessel Motion Predictions and Recommendations
The measured directional wave spectrum is fed to the ship motion model to determine the motion response statistics for the range of possible speeds and ship headings. The wavefield timing predictions are also fed to the ship motion model to forecast the specific motions that the ship will have up to two minutes into the future.

FOUR : Inform Decisions
- A specially-designed, simple yet flexible, user interface developed with inputs from hundreds of hours of at-sea iteration with ship captains, crew, engineers, and scientists allows easy access to the most important information while still allowing more sophisticated users a robust analysis capability.
- Real-time sea-state, directional spectra, and ‘excessive’ event warnings are displayed in a user-friendly interface.
- User-selectable wave and/or vessel motion limits with selectable operation ‘windows’ provide alerting capabilities to get the job done safely.
The technology facilitates a paradigm shift in operational decision-making:
- Shifts from a sea-state or “seaman’s eye” estimate to a precise measurement
- Shifts from a significant wave height metric to a ship’s motion metric

An example bridge console display showing dominant wave parameters, 2D wave spectrum, and heading/speed/ship-response guidance.